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How to check-in (start a visit)?
In order to start performing a visit, a merchandiser must complete a check.
To check:
Go to the store (sign)
Launch the Merchandiser application, select the necessary outstanding visit in the list of visits for today, click on it.
A form will open with a description of the visit by its date and time, as well as a map with the location of the point of visit and the current location of the merchandiser.
Choose one of the commands:
There is no point - if the outlet is closed or the address is incorrect.
A form will open where you need to take a photo (a sign that the store is closed or under repair, a sign from another store).
A form will open where you need to take a photo of the sign
After that, a form with a list of tasks to perform will open.
There is a ban on passing the same store on the same day.
When performing a checkin, the system checks:
If the date in the task for the visit is not equal to the current date, then it is checked whether there are (in the smartphone) tasks for this store for this project on the current date. If there is such a task, a warning is displayed:
"The selected visit is scheduled for XX.XX.XXXX and will not be carried out according to plan. At the same time, there is a visit to be completed today. Start today's visit? Yes / No / Cancel.
If there is no assignment for the current date, then it is checked whether there are such visits in the interval between the selected and the current date. If there is, a warning is displayed:
"The selected visit is scheduled for XX.XX.XXXX and will not be carried out according to plan. At the same time, there is a visit with a date closer to today's (XX.XX.XXXX). Do you want to start the next visit? "Yes / No / Cancel.
In all cases, it is forbidden to carry out a second visit to this outlet for this project today. The message is displayed:
"Today there is already a completed visit to this outlet. See you tomorrow. "
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