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The Merchandiser mobile application is designed to receive tasks for visits and to mark the fact that the visit was completed by the merchandiser.

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At the bottom there is a panel for switching to the Summary, Visits, Exchange, Help and Help screens:


When you enter the application, the Summary screen opens, which displays the current tasks for the merchandiser.

 For more information on the Summary screen ...
The Summary screen displays information on the current status of tasks assigned to the merchandiser.
  • Not completed visits. Selecting this line will open a list of unfinished visits for the entire period.

  • No visits completed today. Selecting this line will open a list of outstanding visits for today.

  • Expired. Selecting this line will open a list of overdue visits.

  • You must upload the report. The total amount of data to be uploaded is displayed. Selecting this line will open the "Exchange" page.

Below is a map of outlets where you need to complete tasks today.

  • The number inside the point is the number of tasks in the outlet

  • Colors of points - the status of the task at the point of sale (Black - Plan, Orange - In progress, Green - Completed, Red - Canceled)

  • Added point of current location (Blue dot with the letter "I")

  • When you click on a point below, the full address point of salewill appear.

If there are no outstanding visits for the current day, a corresponding message is displayed.
To update the information on the summary screen, you must run the update command:


The Visits screen displays a list of visits and their status

Статусы визита


Visit status


Visit pending
The visit is in progress
Visits completed, but not all data on it was uploaded to the server
Visit completed and all data uploaded to server
Visit canceled

Visitor Filter

Visits can be filtered by date and status.

To refresh the list of visits should just pull it from the top down.

To complete a visit: 
Also possible .


The Exchange page displays


Help screens

Automatic data deletion

Visits are automatically deleted from the mobile application as they are completed or canceled by the Supervisor. Also, visits are automatically canceled if they were not completed more than 7 days from the planned date of execution.

Become a customer

When entering the system, the user can click the “Become a customer OPEN” button.


In this case, the user can fill out a short questionnaire.

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